Monday, August 27, 2012


Welcome to my corner of the Disney Blog-iverse. My name is Kate, I'm a wife to D and mom to 2, R is our little princess and T is our little pirate. We live in the forests of Pennsylvania. We do our best to get to Disney World once a year but dream of it all the time.

As a family, our favorite resort is Port Orleans French Quarter. It's the perfect sized resort for us...but that's another post for another day. :)

I'm hoping to post a variety of on travelling with toddlers/pre-schoolers (R is, T is almost 2), dining with kids and without kids in the parks, resort reviews, movie stuff, music stuff, tv stuff...that's a lot of "stuff." :) Maybe I can even get D to do a guest post...who knows. ;)

Come on along! After all, there's a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every day....

Best Wishes,


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